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Fragen und Antworten zu Sweave Nordic Esszimmerstuhl mit abgerundeter Rückenlehne, hellgrau, mit Samtpolsterung

4.8 192 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (5)

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Q: "What is the weight capacity of the chair?" asked by Melissa
A: "The weight capacity is 200 lbs."
Q: "What is the seat height of the chair?" asked by Yedda
A: "The seat height is 17.7"."
Q: "Would it be possible to put casters on the leg bottoms or is it an all metal construction?" asked by Heather Brown
A: "No it wouldn't."
Q: "Hi dear just wondering are these chairs suitable for a dinning table chairs?" asked by Ousainatou
A: "Yes they are."