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Fragen und Antworten zu Nachttisch aus Leder mit 2 Schubladen aus Sinterstein

4.9 233 Bewertungen
Fragen & Antworten (35)



Fragen & Antworten

Stellen Sie eine Frage
Frage: "Can this table be kept outside on a covered porch?" asked by Tanya
Antwort: "We don't suggest you use it outdoor"
Frage: "Is there a distinction between left and right styles of this product?" asked by Gale
Antwort: "No, this product does not distinguish between left and right styles, you can buy two."
Frage: "Is the top solid wood?" asked by Zelene
Antwort: "No, the nightstand top material is Stone"
Frage: "Is it soft close ?" asked by Aysu Patir
Antwort: "Yes it is."