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Fragen und Antworten zu Kreatives Metallsteindekor von Coastal, modernes Wanddekor, 1350 mm x 648 mm, Wohnzimmerdekor

4.7 36 Reseñas
Preguntas & Respuestas (3)


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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Q: "Can we have a light fitted behind it to get it illuminated? Will it be safe ?" asked by Tania
A: "We don't have light come with this product, and you may kindly consult electrician for safety issue if you want to fit a light."
Q: "Please confirm the weight of this ite." asked by Margaret Montague
A: "5.5 KG."
Q: "¿el peso de esta decoración?" asked by Claretta
A: "La decoración pesa 5.5 KG."