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Fragen und Antworten zu 1800 mm Modernes TV Lowboard In Grau mit Schubladen Medienkonsole

4.8 182 Reseñas
Preguntas & Respuestas (11)


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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Q: "Height is 16"? Does that include the legs? If so, this is very small?" asked by Shirley
A: "The height of 16.9" which includes the legs."
Q: "Any recommendations for a suitable side table?" asked by Bertha
A: "Yes, you can buy it via"
Q: "Will the leg of the TV stand to scratch the floor?" asked by Philip
A: "No, you can put a rug if you are worried."
Q: "Is it difficult to assemble?" asked by Berton
A: "Not difficult, there are assembly instructions."