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Fragen und Antworten zu 1400mm moderner weißer L-förmiger Schreibtisch Ecke drehbarer Computertisch mit Schrank

4.9 43 Bewertungen
Fragen & Antworten (4)



Fragen & Antworten

Stellen Sie eine Frage
Frage: "How high is the desk?" asked by Matt
Antwort: "29.9" (760mm)"
Frage: "Where are the bookcases that match this behind the desk in 1 of the photos? Do you sell them? " asked by Jennifer Martin
Antwort: "We are sorry that the matching bookcase is not available now."
Frage: "Is the back of the cabinet section finished?" asked by Barbara
Antwort: "yes, the whole cabinet is well finished as the front shows."
Frage: "Can this desk be used as right or left handed? " asked by Sam Thomas
Antwort: "Yes,it can."