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Fragen und Antworten zu Modernes kleines Etagere-Bücherregal aus Metall mit 2 Schubladen in Weiß und Gold

4.9 10 Beoordelingen
Vragen (4)


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Een vraag stellen
Q: "Is this a freestanding bookshelf?" asked by Quindalyn
EEN: "The bookshelf is freestanding."
Q: "Is the assembly manual included in the delivery box?" asked by Zemirah
EEN: "Yes, the assembly manual is included in the delivery box."
Q: "Is assembly required for the bookshelf?" asked by Nanthild
EEN: "Assembly is required for the bookshelf."
Q: "What is the shelf material and the frame material?" asked by Warner
EEN: "MDF and Metal."