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Fragen und Antworten zu Modern TV Lowboard mit 2 Schubladen, ausziehbar von 1600 mm bis 2400 mm

4.9 53 Commentaires
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Q: "What is the total height for this including the legs and the center piece? Is it 14.2 inches or is it 18 inches? The pictures make it tough to tell. " asked by Christian Buczak
A: "The total height for this including the legs and the center piece is around 14.2 inch."
Q: "What is the maximum weight of the tv that this tv stand can carry? Im not planning to do wall mount for my tv" asked by Glen
A: "Around 66 lbs."
Q: "Hi, I am interested in purchasing the Mordelle Modern Rectangle Glossy Black Extendable TV Stand Storage for 65 to 85 inch TV. I have a couple of questions regarding the extendable feature: When the TV stand is extended, is it fixed at exactly 85 inches, or can it be adjusted to intermediate lengths, such as 75 inches? If adjustable, could you please provide details on how the extension mechanism works and the range of adjustable lengths? Thank you for your assistance! " asked by Sindhu Vasikarla
A: "It can be adjusted to intermediate lengths. You can move the cabinet on both side to adjust it. You can pull them out for both size. "
Q: "Can this product be wall mounted?" asked by Sanju
A: "No, this cannot be wall mounted. "