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Fragen und Antworten zu Modernes abstraktes Metall Wanddekor mit überlappendem Geometirc Design

5.0 83 Bewertungen
Fragen & Antworten (5)


- Farbe: Schwarz & Gold & Grün & Orange

— Montage erforderlich: Nein

Fragen & Antworten

Stellen Sie eine Frage
Frage: "Can the wall decor be hanged horizontally and vertically?" asked by Nakeisha
Antwort: "Yes, the wall decor can be hanged horizontally and vertically."
Frage: "Does this come assembled in one piece ?" asked by Maclean
Antwort: "Yes, it all comes assembled in one piece."
Frage: "What is the best way to clean the surface?" asked by Baylee
Antwort: "You can clean it with a soft cloth."
Frage: "Is the wall décor suitable for outdoor use?" asked by Taban
Antwort: "The wall decor is not suitable for outdoor use."