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Fragen und Antworten zu 1200mm schmaler japanischer Konsolentisch aus Holz, schwarz, mit geometrischem Sockeltisch im Eingangsbereich

4.5 22 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (7)

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Q: "Is it hard to assemble?" asked by Wilona
A: "It's not hard to assemble"
Q: "What size is this table?" asked by Dion
A: "It is 47.2"L x 13.8"W x 39.4"H"
Q: "Is it hard to set up?" asked by Grateful
A: "No, just simply screw the top and base together."
Q: "Is there matching shoe storage?" asked by Anastasia
A: "Yes, please check this link: https://www.homary.com/item/modern-shoe-cabinet-gray-black-shoe-organizer-with-doors-shelves-drawer-in-large-23111.html"