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Fragen und Antworten zu Moderne weiße Schlafzimmerbank Boucle getuftete lange Bank mit 4 Beinen

4.8 12 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (11)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Do the legs remain sturdy and tight-fitting? Are they firmly attached?" asked by Galvin
A: "Yes, the legs are sturdy once assembled."
Q: "Can it be an added sit for a dining table?" asked by Echo
A: "These benches are the perfect accent for living rooms, bedrooms, dressing table chairs, shoe benches, extra seating, and more."
Q: "How do you clean the item?" asked by Quade
A: "The item can be cleaned with mild soap and water."
Q: "Can the bench be used in a bathroom?" asked by Jessie
A: "No, the bench cannot be used in a bathroom."