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Fragen und Antworten zu Codiys Japandi-Konsolentisch im Art-Deco-Stil, gewölbte Regale, Eingangsschrank, Weiß

5.0 31 Reseñas
Preguntas & Respuestas (6)


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Preguntas & Respuestas

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Q: "Can this table be used outdoors and withstand rain?" asked by Kerwin
A: "No, it can't be used outdoors."
Q: "Is this free shipping?" asked by Peter
A: "Yes, it is free shipping."
Q: "What size is this table?" asked by Mildred
A: "It is 47.5"L x 13.8"W x 29.1"H."
Q: "How to clean it?" asked by Hazel
A: "You can clean it up with a wet wipe."