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Vragen en antwoorden voor Cabstract Industrial 1800 mm schrijfbureau met lade

4.9 202 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (9)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Is this desk stable? Strong enough?" asked by Harlan
A: "The desk is made of solid wood, stable and high bearing capacity."
Q: "Is there a place to hide the computer wires?" asked by Sp
A: "No there is not."
Q: "Do you other color(silver) for base? If not can I order top white and base black instead of yellow?" asked by Darlene p
A: "We don't have other color of this desk, and cannot sell a separate base or top."
Q: "What is the maximum weight that can bear?" asked by Harriet
A: "175KG"