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Vragen en antwoorden voor 1530 mm moderne lichtgrijze katoenen linnen gestoffeerde converteerbare uittrekbare slaapbank met opbergruimte

4.9 216 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (15)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "What is weight compacity?" asked by Mira
A: "400-450 kg."
Q: "Is this a full or Queen size sleeper ? " asked by JA
A: "Q: Is this a full or Queen size sleeper A:The size of the mattress is 1450X1840"
Q: "Is the mattress firm?" asked by Petar Radanovich
A: "The mattress is moderate softness."
Q: "Is it difficult to convert?" asked by Wade
A: "No, it is easy to convert due to the wheel."