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Fragen und Antworten zu Rechteckiges 2-teiliges Nistset, weißer Couchtisch mit Metallfuß und Stauraum

5.0 216 Bewertungen
Fragen & Antworten (5)



Fragen & Antworten

Stellen Sie eine Frage
Frage: "Is the gold shiny or muted?" asked by Laura
Antwort: "The gold is muted."
Frage: "Is the top marble?" asked by Shamha
Antwort: "No it is MDF with marble veneer."
Frage: "Can tables be completely separated if needed?" asked by Lilith
Antwort: "Yes, it can be completely separated."
Frage: "Can the smaller table go completely under the taller table?" asked by Gloria
Antwort: "Yes, the small table can be placed under the large table."