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Fragen und Antworten zu Modernes Wanddekor aus Metall, geometrisch, rund, für Zuhause, Orange, Gold und Blau, Wohnzimmer

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Questions et Réponses (3)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "How much does it weigh and how do you hang it?" asked by Mary
A: "You can drill a screw to the wall and hang it up. It weights around 3.5 kg. "
Q: "Do you have a showroom? Contact number and a customer service officer whom I can speak with?" asked by Tess Gelvezon
A: "We don't have a showroom now. Call us: +61-180-094-5225 (toll free within Australia) 24-hour Monday through Sunday"
Q: "Is this product available for immediate shipment? Will this be shipped from Melbourne? " asked by Tess Gelvezon
A: "Yes it is in stock and available for fast shipping, but will be shipped from China to Australia by airplane."