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How big should coffee table be


It is time to talk about a topic that is very dear to many people. Yes, to all coffee lovers and people who hold their coffee somehow sacred, coffee tables are very essential. An intricately designed coffee table is not just fun to see as a piece of furniture, but also a very decorative piece of art. It does shed light on the beauty of a room and the taste of the owner. There are all sizes of coffee tables that are used in both public lounges and homes. They come in different shapes, sizes and heights. Hence, it is essential to choose the right fit.

As a day-to-day use piece of furniture in the house, the style and size of whichever coffee table you choose should match with all other furniture in whatever room it is kept. The most appropriate might be to make your choice based on the size of your sofa. Nonetheless, the length of your coffee table should not exceed two-thirds of the total length of your sofa. Using this scale helps showcase harmony in your set of furniture, whilst leaving more legroom around the coffee table.


The 760*760mm table, and the 1070*760mm rectangular tables are the most commonly used coffee table types. It is advisable to ensure that the width of your coffee table is not less than 700mm to avoid your tale being too small. Also, the height of your coffee table's chair should be fitting, and the table should be comfortable enough for a person to lean on. You can equally measure the height of your sofa seat and then, choose a coffee table with the same height or a slightly lower height than that of the sofa seat.

If there is a need for a coffee table, other than for decoration, coffee, and magazines, a multipurpose coffee table is at that point necessary. Hence, the size should be taken into account. For instance, this retractable coffee table with hidden compartments can either be retracted 15cm or 20cm depending on the use. The with also adjustable when retracted. You can always choose the size of table you want, depending on your need.

The function of a coffee table is dependent on what you use it for and how you use it.

The round-shaped coffee table is suitable for drinking and chatting, whilst the rectangular-shaped coffee table is more formal.

The crescent-like-shaped table and the transparent coffee tables can enhance the artistic sense of a room.

So long as the table is flat, the coffee table can be left without anything on it.
