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Vragen en antwoorden voor Ovale gouden ring hanglamp 1-licht LED-verlichting met verstelbare kabel

4.8 5 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (3)

La description

- Totale lengte van de kabel: 59 „/1500 mm (instelbaar)

Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Does it come with a light bulb?" asked by Frederica
A: "Yes, the pendant light comes with a light bulb."
Q: "What material is the lampshade?" asked by Yves
A: "This light comes with a glass shade which diffuses the light and creates a warm ambience in your room."
Q: "What is the shipping weight of the item?" asked by Meredith
A: "The shipping weight of this item is 1.36 kg."