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Vragen en antwoorden voor Zwart en goud luxe geometrische wandklok groot metalen kunstdecor

4.9 65 Commentaires
Questions et Réponses (9)

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Questions et Réponses

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Q: "Hola.se puede cambiar el color oro por el color plata. Gracias" asked by Inna
A: "Lo sentimos, no podemos."
Q: "Can it be Vertically mounted as the wall I want to putt it on is vertical. " asked by Anne
A: "No it cannot, but you can choose type B."
Q: "I love this but would like to know how long and wide is this item, and if order this week or next how long will it take to receive. Thanks" asked by Rhonda
A: "33.1"W x 11.8"H x 1.8"D (840mmW x 300mmH x 45mmD) ; 7-11 weeks."
Q: "Just placed this order, how long will it take to arrive and when will I receive the shipping and tracking details?" asked by Shalewa
A: "5-6 weeks to NYC. You shall receive the tracking info after shipment, usually within a few business days after you place the order."